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SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems

Table of Contents
Volume 3, Issue 4, pp. 409-722

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First-Order Averaging Principles for Maps with Applications to Accelerator Beam Dynamics

H. Scott Dumas, James A. Ellison, and Mathias Vogt

pp. 409-432

Shear Dispersion along Circular Pipes Is Affected by Bends, but the Torsion of the Pipe Is Negligible

A. J. Roberts

pp. 433-462

Near-Resonant Steady Mode Interaction: Periodic, Quasi-periodic, and Localized Patterns

María Higuera, Hermann Riecke, and Mary Silber

pp. 463-502

A Vaccination Model for Transmission Dynamics of Influenza

M. E. Alexander, C. Bowman, S. M. Moghadas, R. Summers, A. B. Gumel, and B. M. Sahai

pp. 503-524

On Energy Surfaces and the Resonance Web

Anna Litvak-Hinenzon and Vered Rom-Kedar

pp. 525-573

Evans Functions for Integral Neural Field Equations with Heaviside Firing Rate Function

S. Coombes and M. R. Owen

pp. 574-600

Disease Induced Oscillations between Two Competing Species

P. van den Driessche and M. L. Zeeman

pp. 601-619

Dynamic Bifurcation of the Ginzburg--Landau Equation

Tian Ma, Jungho Park, and Shouhong Wang

pp. 620-635

Minimal Models of Bursting Neurons: How Multiple Currents, Conductances, and Timescales Affect Bifurcation Diagrams

R. M. Ghigliazza and P. Holmes

pp. 636-670

A Minimal Model of a Central Pattern Generator and Motoneurons for Insect Locomotion

R. M. Ghigliazza and P. Holmes

pp. 671-700

HJB-POD-Based Feedback Design for the Optimal Control of Evolution Problems

K. Kunisch, S. Volkwein, and L. Xie

pp. 701-722